Monday, September 12, 2011

Windows 8 - How fast does it Boot?

Microsoft has a great reason to be proud of its future operating system. It will have a start-up time by 30-70% shorter than in the case of Windows 7. The app responsible for that function has not received an official name, but it is a hybrid between hibernating and booting the operating system from scratch. 
When Windows 8 is stopped, user sessions are terminated, but the kernel is put in hibernation mode. It creates a file on the HDD. At startup, the file is loaded into the memory and only system drivers are initialized. 
The diagram below should be illustrative. It was published only 3 days ago but it's already circled the world wide web.

In practice, Windows 8 is loaded faster because less data is read from the HDD to boot. The clip below shows a real case, but we aren't given details about the laptop configuration. Another interesting feature that Microsoft is preparing us for Windows 8 is hybrid sleep. In Sleep mode, the data stored in the  RAM and hard drive are copied. If the battery is consumed or current is interrupted, the operating system should not start from scratch. As the guys on engadget said: "can't wait to thest this feature on an SSD drive".

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